Lessons and Challenges of Being a Remarkable Father
A masterclass and panel discussion on December 13, 2023.
Let's Get Real About Modern Fatherhood
In a perfect world, we'd all grow up with badass fathers full of wisdom to pass down and endless time to guide and support us. Then, we'd grow up to become fathers ourselves and flawlessly step into that role.
Unfortunately, that sh*t is NOT the reality. Many of us didn't have great Dads, and even those who did missed the masterclass on how to do it ourselves.
Most of us are winging this whole fatherhood gig. We don't have Yoda sitting on our shoulders, guiding us. Our dads were just as confused and overwhelmed. The manuals we got didn't cover how not to lose our temper, how to powerfully partner and support our co-parent, or even which end the diaper goes on.
So most of us bumble through season after season of our kids' lives, hoping we don't permanently screw them up. We react from fear when we want to respond with love. We crave support but stay silent to seem like we have it all together.
Guys. This vicious cycle ends with us.
It's time to lift the hood on modern fatherhood, get radically honest about our struggles, and commit to this Remarkable Dad evolution together.
Introducing the Remarkable Father Masterclass...
We'll redefine strong fatherhood together—time to forge a new path built on connection over control.
Here's what dads will receive:
🔴 Tools to stay calm when that parental volcano wants to erupt
🔴 Solo parenting superpowers: building confidence and capability
🔴 Creating genuine co-parenting partnerships (and coping until then)
🔴 How to cultivate trust and communication with kids of all ages
The days of fathers muddling through parenthood alone are over. This is your invitation to do this gig differently: empowered, fulfilled, connected to fellow dads.
"Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded."
-Jess Lair
During this 90-minute session, you'll learn:
Why being intentional about how you show up as a dad can cultivate a stronger relationship.
What you can do to evolve with them and learn a thing or two along the way.
How to meet your children where they are so as not to slow them down or hold them back.
Plus a Q&A with four Dads who are not only doing their best but are committed to gorwth and improvement.
The Panel

Host & Moderator - Bob Conlin
Bob is a Father to Forest, who lost his own father when he was a young child. Bob has transformed his life from one of devastating loss and addiction to a life of purpose and intention. Bob is a Men's Leadership Coach and the Co-Founder of The Alchemy of Men.

Steve Pickney is a proud Father, the Principal of Conceptia, a Leadership Coach, a Consultant, an Expert in Operational Change management, and a Former US Marine. Steve has over 20 years of experience in leadership and business transformation.

Malcolm White is a passionate father of two, a Men's Leadership Coach committed to supporting men find community through authentic relationships. He says, "Fatherhood is about being fully myself in front of my kids, and being proud of who they see."

Drew Tupper is a father of two, a teacher, an author, and a life coach for men. Drew believes in creating a positive and healthy culture at home, personal responsibility and leading by example. He is a recovering people pleaser and a "nice guy" and committed to being a man of integrity and a purpose-driven father and leader.
As fathers, our time is precious.
You’ve already committed to showing up for your kids. Now commit to showing up for YOURSELF, too, with this game-changing Masterclass.
We desperately want to lead our families with presence, joy, and wisdom. But with endless demands on our time, it feels freaking impossible.
The Remarkable Father Masterclass meets dads where they are - no judgment, only full support.
This paradigm-shifting session is designed to be:
🔴 Digestible- fit your real life
🔴 Actionable. Chock full of tactics to implement TODAY.
🔴 Affordable. Hundreds of dollars worth of fatherhood coaching for just $25.
Invest 90 minutes total to transform how you start showing up at home.
The Remarkable Father Masterclass will help dads press restart, connect deeply with their kids, and end generational cycles of absent fathering.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of this.
For less than a single therapy session, redirect the course of your fatherhood journey for good.
Your kids need you. Your family needs you. YOU need to do this differently.
It starts right here. Register for the Remarkable Father Masterclass now and establish your legacy as the dad you always wished you had.

Upcoming Masterclass & Events
*Always Free and included as part of The Alchemy of Men Retreat, Member of The Torch (Men's Group) or The Covenant (Group Bootcamp Accelerator)
1/14/24 - Letting Go of the Past & Powerful Goal Setting (MC)
2/7/24 - Relationships & Polarity - ReIgnite or Expand the Spark (MC)
3/13/24 - Spirituality - Hape, Mapacho, Ayahuasca and Beyond (MC)
3/14 - 3/17 - Alchemy of Men Retreat IV Utah (IP - Fairview, Utah)
4/10/24 - Get Grounded and Reconnect with Mama Gaia (MC)
5/15/24 - ReInventing Your Relationship with Money (MC)
6/12/24 - Transform Your Relationship to Your Health and Wellness (MC
*Alchemy of Men San Diego In-Person Men's Group meets each month's 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.
*The Torch, Alchemy of Men's Virtual Men's Group meets Every Wednesday at 2 pm EST.
MC = Virtual Masterclass | IP = In-Person Event