I am a Performance & Success Alchemist and Author, a Breaker of Limiting Mental Beliefs, a recovering asshole, a lover of Philosophy, Personal Growth, and Mezcal. I am the docile tone behind hundreds of podcasts. Legend has it a former reality tv show villain and was dubbed "The Anti-Excuses Coach" by Yahoo Finance. Since 2015, I have coached hundreds of successful & influential individuals & businesses to thrive financially, enjoy better relationships, and achieve their stretch goals and deepest desires, all with less stress, drama, and difficulty.
As a Professional Certified Coach & the Founder of DreamMason Inc., I have uniquely combined raw, direct, and bold masculine tactics with a magnetic, playful, and spiritual feminine ease. For my clients as well as myself, I am passionate about and believe Integrity, Commitment, Vulnerability, Trust, and Faith make up the core of Authenticity, which provides access to living an exceptional life of abundance, love, & joy.
I am the author of Fictional Authenticity, the coauthor of the bestselling book Redefining Masculinity, and the forthcoming book How Dreams Are Built. I have hosted & appeared in over 400 podcasts including top-rated shows such as The University of Adversity, The Primal BluePrint, Success Unleashed, and have interviewed hundreds of the world's highest-performing, wise, and successful leaders on The DreamMason Podcast. I have been featured on NBC, FOX, Yahoo Finance, Disrupt Magazine, Thrive Global, and Elephant Journal.
I have worked with athletes, rockstars, seven figure entrepreneurs, executives, & leaders in; LinkedIn, Shutterfly, Godiva, LGYC Power, and Coldwell Banker.
Through coaching, workshops, and my books, Through coaching, workshops, and my books, I have helped individuals and companies grow their incomes 500% in 90 days, save and rekindle marriages, get published, scale their companies to Six, Seven, and even Eight figures, buy their dream homes, grow their leadership, build successful teams, and create lives they actually love living.
People choose to work with me because achievement and financial success are not creating the rewarding life and business they desire.
They have come to understand there is no amount of money that will fix their relationships, make them feel like enough,
That no external validation will fill that void inside them that says they are not enough.
That no amount of hard work, achievement, fame, or distraction will provide the peace, ease, joy, and connection, they want.
And that the legacy deeply they crave to leave will be measured by these metrics, not their bank statements.
And for me it wasn't always this way...
Alex grew up in Los Angeles with his younger brother and two loving, committed, and involved parents. While he was fortunate to be raised with financial stability and had many of life's comforts, his life wasn't easy. Some of Alex's earliest memories involve struggling with a sense of being different and not being smart enough. As a child Alex was diagnosed with an eye muscle weakness that made reading and learning extremely difficult. Through daily exercises led by his mother, he was able to overcome this challenge, yet soon was diagnosed with some learning disabilities as well. While social activities and sports were areas in which he excelled, learning and school presented challenges. These challenges created opportunities for him to learn how to operate within systems, create parallel paths, use language to get the things he needed, and find alternate ways in which to succeed; however, deep down Alex also struggled with a powerful belief that he wasn't good enough.

In a single moment, Alex realized that he wasn’t happy or fulfilled in his life, and that he was reaching for external sources to compensate for what what he was missing internally. Alex quickly became aware that he wasn't alone in seeking joy, pleasure, happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment from outside sources, and that in transforming his own life he would need to have more of an impact on the lives of others. He decided life moving forward was going to be different and he made a commitment to himself that each day he would be a better person, friend, coach, teammate, and colleague.
Alex started on a personal and spiritual quest for growth and leadership. He went through process after process of deep introspection, ontological coaching, and leadership training. He was able to both focus and expand his consciousness by practicing yoga, meditation, personal growth courses, spiritual and energy work, while also learning to discover his strength in vulnerability, become compassionate, and consistently challenging himself to truly live authentically in his essence and to be relentless in exceeding his personal and professional potential.
Alex is a Professional Certified Coach from the International Coach Federation, and a Graduate and Certified Coach of Accomplishment Coaching's Leadership and Life Coach training program, the world’s finest coach training program. In addition, Alex has mentored over 100 new coaches and leaders as a with Accomplishment Coaching. He is also a Certified Health Coach and a graduate of The Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. Alex also holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Southern California. Alex has always had a passion for and enjoyment of public speaking and he holds workshops with the intention of bringing the benefits of coaching to new audiences.
In 2019 he published his first book, Fictional Authenticity, Release Your Past, Start Living Your Real Life. Which he followed up in 2020 with Fictional Authenticity-The Course, and online self-guided transformation course. Additionally, Alex has produced over 200 episodes as the host of The DreamMason Podcast. In 2019 became the Co-Host of his mentor's podcast, The Coaching Show. And in 2020 became Co-Host of The Frequency Shifters Show. Alex is also a contributing author to the best-selling book, Redefining Masculinity.
Alex loves to challenge himself and push his fears to the limits - he discovered the taste of pure bliss and tranquility after skydiving for the first time. He lives Carlsbad, CA, just north of San Diego, with his partner Evin Rose, and their dog, Cali, and cat, Tucker.
In order to overcome this disempowering internal story, Alex learned to thrive and not be a victim of his circumstances, and through a powerful desire to be successful, cool, popular, and liked, Alex created a life of “Fictional Authenticity”. (He would one day, write a book about this concept.) He spent years manufacturing a personal and professional life filled with conventional success in an effort to compensate for what he believed he lacked. Alex found achievement in sports, social arenas, and in the Hospitality Business - all areas which were able to mask and hide the deep-seated belief that in and of himself, he just wasn't enough.
For nearly 20 years Alex thrived in the Hospitality Industry, opening countless restaurants and bars, hiring and training hundreds of managers and generating millions of dollars in sales. He lead and defined brands and contributed to their growth. His natural desire to support others empowered him to become successful in the mentoring and coaching of countless successful professionals.
Personally, Alex was popular and successful in the dating and social world. Yet, Alex's belief that he wasn't enough was the motivating factor in this area of his life and contributed to the "Fictionally Authentic” life he had created. While he always managed to find connected and fulfilling relationships, he struggled to truly open up and be vulnerable, keeping himself from creating a deep, loving connection.
No matter how much money Alex made, what type of car he drove, regardless of how many friends he had or how beautiful of a date he had on his arm, he could never achieve the level of joy, satisfaction, or fulfillment which he desperately craved.
While having dinner with his family in Costa Rica, in a powerful moment of self-reflection...
Alex woke up!

You are a DreamMason®️.
Because Your Dreams Don't Build Themselves!