EP15 - Education Advocate turned Unlikely Mountaineer
Today on The DreamMason Podcast we are joined by Claire Haasl, she is the Director of The David L Hoyt Education Foundation and an art and cultural enthusiast who has lived her life with fibromyalgia About a year ago Claire realized there was something she needed to do; she wanted to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. This is something she was not prepared for and was further complicated due to her health challenges. However, Claire was determined to achieve her dream. She changed her diet, hired trainers, created a program to get her ready and last year climbed the almost 20,000 foot mountain.
In this episode, Claire shares the highs and lows of her journey. We also discuss Claire and her husband’s Foundation, The David L Hoyt Education Foundation, which was “formed to develop and promote play-based and collaborative learning. (They) recognize the need to encourage and foster education, community, and responsible citizenship. (They) create accessible experiences and related curricula that engage learners with fun and interactive games and puzzles. The foundation, and its team, values teamwork, fun, innovation, critical thinking, leadership, empathy, creativity, and literacy.” -(DavidLHoytFoundation.org)
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You can connect with Claire here: Website: www.davidlhoytfoundation.org Email: claire@davidlhoytfoundation.org IG @CMary32
You can connect with Alex Terranova here: Instagram: @InspirationalAlex Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedreammason/ Website: www.TheDreamMason.com Email: alex@TheDreamMason.com
Remember, You are a DreamMason… Because Your Dreams Don’t Build Themselves

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