EP20 - Me to Us; Games, Brain Habits and Goals with David Hoyt

Today is the 20th episode of The DreamMason®️ Podcast and we have a very special guest! I like to refer to him as, “The Michael Jordan of Games”. He is The World’s Most Syndicated Game Creator and Inventor. Roughly 20 million people a day play his puzzles and games. He authors The Jumble Puzzle, is the inventor of USA Today’s Word Roundup, USA Today’s Up & Down Words and Just 2 Words. He has also invented many board and card games like 8*28, Word Winder, Wild, This Day in History, Uno Freefall and Uno 52. He has worked with companies like Hasbro and Mattel for over 20 years. He also is the inventor of Giant Word Winder, which his foundation, The David L. Hoyt Foundation, is taking to schools, libraries and children around the globe to teach and encourage teamwork and collaboration.
Not only has David done all those things, he is a loyal friend and someone who has inspired and mentored me since we first met over 15 years ago. He is one of the kindest, more interesting and passionate people I have ever come across.
On the podcast today, we discuss how one becomes the worlds’ greatest game creator and how David got there from a career as a Chicago Options Trader. David shares how he follows desires and dreams without fear, which led him to create the blueprints for the house he build with his own hands, moving to Hollywood and creating a brain technique which he calls Brain Habits.
Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode please share it, tag a friend who needs to hear it, and subscribe to The DreamMason®️ Podcast so you don’t miss an episode.
You can connect with David Hoyt here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdYJtIOeDYE&feature=youtu.be http://giantwordwinder.com/ http://dlhoyt.com/ https://www.facebook.com/DavidLHoyt
You can connect with Alex Terranova here: Instagram: @InspirationalAlex Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedreammason/ Website: TheDreamMason.com Email: alex@TheDreamMason.com
Remember, You are a DreamMason®️… Because Your Dreams Don’t Build Themselves
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