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Movies, Comics & Cancer

EP31 - Movies, Comics & Cancer with Lee Kramer

Thanks for listening to another episode of The DreamMason® Podcast

Lee Kramer is the President of AfterShock Comics, a comic book company that combines the

creative edge of an independent comic book publisher with the strengths and experience of a traditional powerhouse publisher. Lee is a film production and development executive who has worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. He was the head Story Analyst at Endeavor and worked with producer Cathy Schulman, who produced the Academy Award-winning films Crash and the Illusionist. Lee also served as a development and production executive at Mandalay Pictures, and produced several television shows for HBO.

Lee and I discuss his beginnings in the film industry. He shares his uncensored perspective of breaking into the entertainment industry, wisdom around the direction of the industry, and his advice to those with a desire to work in entertainment. Lee walks us through a scary and vulnerable moment, discovering a cancer diagnosis, stage four, and facing his own mortality. Throughout his recovery Lee never stopped working on or creating his dream of building a Comic Book Company. He shares how the comic book industry operates and how he partnered with some experienced and talented people to co-create AfterShock Comics which, in it’s second year of publications won Diamond’s Comic Book Publisher of the Year Gem Award (under 3%) acknowledging it for it’s quality content.

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Lee Kramer doesn’t do social media or interviews, but if you want to follow AfterShock Comics you can do so here:

Instagram: @aftershockcomics

You can connect with Alex Terranova here:

Instagram: @InspirationalAlex



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