EP65 - “The Coaching Show meets The DreamMason Podcast”
“We have to honor our core beliefs, we have to honor each other, we have to honor the planet we’re on, we have to honor things, and that reverence seems so missing in our day to day existence…”
Christopher McAuliffe
You know how sometimes on CBS or NBC they do those wacky episodes where two different

shows meet in a combined episode? Or in Comics where somehow Batman and Superman somehow exist in the same comic universe? Whomever thought of this idea was brilliant and I’m stealing it!
So for Episode 65 of The DreamMason Podcast we are doing something fun, experimental and silly. We did a collaboration episode with The Coaching Show podcast and its Host, my mentor, teacher, and friend, Christopher McAuliffe.
If you listen to The Coaching Show, you know Christopher McAuliffe as the funny, insightful, and light-hearted Host and Producer of the International Coaching Federation partnered podcast. Through The Coaching Show, each week for the past 16 years he has spoken with leaders in coaching, including Debbie Ford, Robert Kiyosaki, John Grey, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Werner Erhard and more!
Christopher is also a Master Certified Coach, the CEO of the internationally successful
ICF-Accredited coach training program, Accomplishment Coaching, which has trained thousands of people over the past 17 years around the world, including training and coaching services to organizations, including the United Nations Population Fund, Major League Soccer, UBiome, and more. He has also twice served as President of the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance. And if this wasn’t enough, for 8 years he’s worked with the ICF-IRB in the area of Coaching Ethics. With over 26 years of experience, and training over 500 coaches he is clearly a force in the world of ontological coaching and beyond.
On this episode of The DreamMason Podcast & The Coaching Show we discuss:
-Christopher’s journey and challenges in becoming a successful coach
-How and why he created the world’s finest coach training program
-His vision of coaching and the future of coaching in the world
-The challenges in going from creator and trainer to CEO
-What makes a great coach
-Consciousness and reverence
-And we share some great stories and books that have impacted us.
Thanks for listening. Please SHARE THIS EPISODE, TAG A FRIEND who needs to hear it, and SUBSCRIBE to The Dream Mason Podcast - so you don’t miss an episode! You can connect with
Christopher McAuliffe:
The Coaching Show: www.thecoachingshow.com
Accomplishment Coaching: www.AccomplishmentCoaching.com
Accomplishment Media: www.AccomplishmentMedia.com
Christopher McAuliffe: www.christophermcauliffe.com
You can connect with Alex Terranova here:
Website: www.TheDreamMason.com
Email: Alex@TheDreamMason.com
YouTube: TheDreamMason Podcast.
Remember, You are a DreamMason®…
Because Your Dreams Don’t Build Themselves.
Alex Terranova is a DreamMason, a Performance & Mindfulness Coach, and the Host of The DreamMason Podcast. He helps strong and successful men boldly declare what they want, get real about what’s in the way, and create the strategy and the steps for more clarity, freedom, and success in their life. Together, we get things done faster, raise the bar on your goals, improve your relationships, and get crystal clear on what you really want.
Alex has been featured on Focus TV’s Good Morning La La Land, NBC Radio, The Rising Man Podcast, Elephant Journal, The Sovereign Society Podcast, The Coaching Show, Love Living Radio and an episode of The Villain Crusher.
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