EP 193 - From Homeless to Millionaire with Nichole MacDonald
In this episode, Nichole MacDonald and Alex share all the steps Nichole took to become a successful entrepreneur after touching rock bottom.
Nichole MacDonald has 20 years of marketing and product development experience and 13 years of being an entrepreneur. She built a multi-million dollar business from scratch and is the CEO of Sash Bags. Nichole has a huge presence on social media with over 100K organic followers. She became an ontological coach/leader out of passion and she is also a board member of Tech Startup Lash Live. Nichole is also a single mother raising two children.
She began her career in the 90's as a graphic designer. By 2003 she got her first job managing a graphics department for a kitchen electronics company that distributed products through every major retailer in the US. Since she had a creative brain, she wound up being moved to the product development team to help create products for the future of the company.
After gaining extensive experience in the publishing industry, she decided to quit her job and start her own business which didn't go very well and she hit rock bottom. Then Nichole stepped into business number two after gaining some stability. With a new perspective, lessons learned, and a pragmatic yet creative approach, she brought the Sash Bag to market. It took only four years to turn Sash into a multi-million dollar business.
Nichole is now an inspiring ontologic coach helping transform other people's lives with an intensive holistic program called Multi-Million Dollar Mastermind.
In this episode we discuss:
- Ready Fire Aim
- Letting others lead and work their process
- Rockbottom and hearing her son ask her if they were homeless
- The cycle of poverty
- Support Groups
- Shifting from CEO to Mom and back and forth
- Political Aspirations
- Impact
- Dating
You can connect with Nichole Macdonald here:
Instagram: @nichole.macdonald
Facebook: @nichole.macdonald
Twitter: @nichole_mac
Website: www.nicholemacdonald.com
You can connect with Alex Terranova here:
Instagram: @InspirationalAlex
Website: www.TheDreamMason.com
Email: Alex@TheDreamMason.com
Remember, You are a DreamMason®…
Because Your Dreams Don’t Build Themselves.
Alex Terranova is a DreamMason, the author of Fictional Authenticity, a Personal & Professional Performance Coach, and he Hosts The DreamMason Podcast, Flip the Lens & Co-Hosts The Coaching Show Podcast. He supports strong & successful high achievers to unmask convention, embrace the rebel within them, and more deeply explore the complex and agitated edges of our existence to create more clarity, freedom, and success. Alex has been featured on NBC, Fox, Focus TV’s Good Morning LaLa Land, NBC Radio, Elephant Journal, The University of Adversity Podcast, The Unleash Success Podcast, The Rising Man Podcast, The Sovereign Society Podcast, Love Living Radio, and an episode of The Villain Crusher.
You can find this episode on iTunes, Spotify, and IHeartRadio, and anywhere you listen to great podcasts.