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Alex Terranova

Taking Risks for a Life Beyond 'Good Enough

"I went on the retreat, and I got clear on my relationship commitment which enabled me to ask her to marry me. (Before the retreat) I was afraid to step into my relationship fully."

Recently a client and I wrapped up our work together. We had worked together for roughly three years. Most of our work focused on his business growth. In our closing session, we reviewed the impact of working together. He shared massive shifts in his life and business, like "I've made a f*ck ton more money than I made in my corporate job. I tripled what I was making! We bought a house, and my closing rate went from 20% to 70%."

While I knew his business growth was outstanding, I had no idea The Alchemy of Men Retreat had made this impact on his relationship. It took a lot for him to get to the retreat, also. The cost felt out of range for him, the travel, the circumstances with work, and his kids. But he put all the obstacles aside, figured it out, and got there.

I am so proud of this man, and he reminds me to look at the places where I settle and stop because of fear, risk, or the challenging circumstances in my life.

taking risks for a life beyond good enough

Taking Risks to Achieve Your Goals

We often hear the phrase "no risk, no reward," but how often do we actually take that to heart?

It's easy to get comfortable with the status quo, settle for the safe option, and avoid the unknown. But if we truly want something, we have to be willing to take a leap of faith.

That means being open to the possibility of failure and disappointment. It means investing in ourselves, even when it seems expensive or uncertain. And it means giving up the comfort of "good enough" for the potential of something greater.

Taking a big shot can be scary. It can feel like we're jumping off a cliff without knowing where we'll land. But in those moments of uncertainty, we often find our greatest growth and transformation. By pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones, we challenge ourselves to be better, to do better, and to create better lives for ourselves.

So if there's something you want - a new job, a new relationship, a new adventure - don't be afraid to take a chance. Invest in yourself, take a risk, and see where it takes you. You might just surprise yourself with what you're capable of achieving.

Why Settle for 'Good Enough' When You Could Have It All?

When we settle for "fine" or "good enough," we're essentially giving up on the potential of our lives. We may have a sense that something's missing or that there's more we could be doing, but it's easier to stay in our comfort zone and avoid taking any risks. However, this is a recipe for stagnation and mediocrity.

Taking a big shot and investing in ourselves can be scary. We might worry about failure, rejection, or the judgment of others. But it's important to remember that growth doesn't happen in a vacuum. If we want to achieve our goals, we need to be willing to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. We must be willing to put ourselves out there and pursue the things that light us up, even if they initially feel daunting.

Ultimately, investing in ourselves is an act of self-love. It's a way of saying that we value our growth and development enough to prioritize it in our lives. It's also a way of setting an example for others. When we show up fully in our lives, we inspire those around us to do the same. We create a ripple effect of positive change that can spread far beyond our own individual lives. So let's be brave, take a big shot, and invest in ourselves. The life we are hungry for awaits us on the other side of our fears.

What are you hungry for?

Are you willing to risk what you have to get it?

Are you ready to run towards the fear?

Join the alchemy of men retreat!

Looking to join a virtual men's group and community that will transform your life? Look no further than The Torch! For just $50 a month, you can connect with men from all over the world and become the best version of yourself. But don't wait, you're expected to join at least two calls per month, and the mini-lessons on empowering topics will ignite a fire within you. Plus, members can access a private online community for support and advice.

And if you're really serious about personal and professional growth, becoming a better partner and parent, and creating brotherhood with other growth-minded men, you won't want to miss the Alchemy of Men Retreat. Happening in Fairview, Utah from June 7-11, this retreat is the ultimate investment in yourself. Choose from private rooms, shared rooms, or even a tent option for the outdoorsman.

For 5 days and 4 Nights, men will enjoy nature, meals by a New York 5-Star Chef, and a 10,000 sq foot house with a sauna, jacuzzi, and cold plunge. The retreat focuses on creating peace, connection, purpose, and clarity in your life. Don't wait to sign up or share this opportunity with the men in your life who could benefit from it!

For more information, check out If you have any questions, just email Don't miss out on this life-changing experience!

And remember you can also check out my other blog posts:

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