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Alex Terranova

Beginning, Middle and the Never End

P18 - Beginning, Middle and the Never End with B.Todd Johnston

Today on The DreamMason®️ Podcast we are joined by Filmmaker, B.Todd Johnston. B.Todd wrote and is one of the stars of a new film, Black N’ Blue, which shines a light on police brutality and racial injustice.

Black N’ Blue was recently accepted into The Big Apple Film Festival Black Cinema Showcase and was just announced as a Finalists The New Filmmakers of New York.

B.Todd and I wanted to co-create a conversation around how to keep hustling and moving towards your goals despite the ups and downs of DreamMasonry.

We dive into many topics from film to racism, and touch on things such as the challenges of following a dream, why newness is messy and confronting, the dangers of emotional vampires, why you need to refuse to fail, why taking a leap of faith sometimes feels like moving backwards, and the fictional highlight real that is social media. We also have some fun with language discussing how words like difficult and hard are not true but a way we relate to something, a perspective. Further we show how changing our language can shift how we experience a situations and life.

Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode please share it, tag a friend who needs to hear it, and subscribe to The DreamMason®️ Podcast so you don’t miss an episode.

You can connect with B.Todd here:


IG @btoddsworld

IG @BlackNBlueFilm

You can connect with Alex Terranova here:

Instagram: @InspirationalAlex



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