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The Guy Behind the Guy

EP54 - The Guy Behind The Guy

Paul Getter is “the guy behind the guy,” “the Internet Marketing Nerd” and the marketing guru behind successful people like The Sharks from Shark Tank, Tai Lopez, Dr. Alex Mehr, Bob Proctor, Tim Storey, Grant Cardone, Les Brown, Steve Harvey and other A-List Celebrities. Paul is also a committed, loving husband and encouraging, dedicated father.

His American success story is journey is one we can all learn from: he wasn’t born with a silver spoon, doesn’t have the fancy degree or some special talent. He does, however, have hustle, drive, determination and belief that there will always be setbacks––we must simply adapt to them and bounce back. Paul didn’t get rich or successful over night either, he committed, made scarifies and created his success over 12 years.

On this episode of The DreamMason Podcast we discuss:

-Paul’s 12 year journey to internet marketing success

-Why you don’t need the fancy degree or all the training to create the success you desire

-Turning your side hustle into success

-When you don’t have the money, you gotta do whatever it takes

-Seeing opportunity everywhere

-Why successful entrepreneurs excel under pressure

-The importance of establishing relationships

-What he has learned from Tai Lopez, Bob Proctor, The Sharks and other icons -Cultivating a relentless, never give up and resilient attitude.

Thanks for listening. Please SHARE THIS EPISODE, TAG A FRIEND who needs to hear it, and SUBSCRIBE to The Dream Mason Podcast - so you don’t miss an episode! You can connect with

Paul Getter here:

Instagram: @Paul

You can connect with Alex Terranova here:




YouTube: TheDreamMason Podcast

Remember, You are a DreamMason®…

Because Your Dreams Don’t Build Themselves.

Alex Terranova is a DreamMason and a Performance & Mindfulness Coach. He works with Leaders, Creators, and Innovators; those brave enough to build their dreams. If you’re a high performer looking for an edge, with a desire to expand your leadership, generate more money, more time and feel more fulfilled, working with Alex will support you in making that life a reality.

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