When I bought my house back in 2021, everyone told me what I wanted at my price range was impossible in SoCal.
They told me it’s not a good time to buy.
They told me, at my price range, it was impossible to get a place a mile from the beach.
They told me I wouldn't find something with four bedrooms.
They told me I would pay above market.
They told me I would be in a bidding war.
They told me I needed zero debt to get a great rate and the place I wanted.
They were wrong, or maybe I just didn’t believe them or buy into their reasons and circumstances.
I got a place a mile from the beach in SoCal in the hot real estate market. I got my place on a lagoon. I got four bedrooms. I got it under market value. I got didn’t get into a bidding war. I didn’t have to clear all my debt.

When you want something or are called to something, ignore the noise, ignore the naysayers, ignore the critics, ignore the media & the trends. Ignore the limiting beliefs in your head and the voices that say you can’t afford it. Ignore the negative thoughts that say you can’t or the idea that the timing isn’t right. Ignore anything that isn’t serving or supporting your vision.
I focused on what I wanted and what I could control. I worked hard AF to keep the faith. I practiced having patience. I humbled myself and got a ton of support. I worked hard, stuck to my vision, and trusted the process.
I’m not special. Anything I can do, you can do. Maybe it’s not a house you want, but whatever you want, the process, circumstances, and stories are likely similar.
But you can create it, achieve it, and make it happen.
But it’s gonna take something. It’s likely gonna require you to be unreasonable.
And remember you can also check out my other blog posts: