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Money, Sex, and Success Aren't Enough: Finding Inner Happiness and Fulfillment

Alex Terranova

I made good money.

I was having a lot of sex.

I drove a brand new Audi A5.

I had a good job and lived in Santa Monica, close to the beach.

Had lots of fun friends.

I was healthy...

And yet I was pretty unhappy inside.

Money, Sex, and Success Aren't Enough

From the outside, my life looked pretty good. I didn't need anything. I sure did want many things, but all my needs were met. I was fortunate. But I sure didn't feel that way. Like so many people, I seemingly had plenty, I was living a good life, but I didn't feel like it inside.

And while our outer world matters, it can never fix or compensate for the lack in our inner world.

My inner experience did not match my outer experience at all.

Mostly because I really didn't like myself or my life that much.

I was constantly judging myself and others. Nothing was ever good enough. It was never enough money. Never a pretty enough girl. Never a good enough job. I was never in shape enough. Oh, and every boss I had was an a**hole and stupid. And this was all before social media totally went nuclear on us.

It was always some version of Not Enough.

It's a lot to be with internally. My ego was in complete control, and if it kept me a slave, to not enough. To stay in charge, it kept me angry at others instead of myself. It blamed others for my issues and made me chase things to solve my unhappiness. It had me work harder and hard, but in the same way, so there was the illusion of possibility, but in reality, the same hard work will yield the same results.

Ultimately, the answers were never outside of me but cleaning up my relationship with myself. While that's an ongoing relationship, everything changed when I started to do that.

I got happier.

I started to make more money and appreciate it. I got results instead of people to blame. I made more friends and created a community with beautiful humans who are loving, empowering, supportive, and seek the best for themselves and me. My relationships improved with almost everything and everyone in my life.

After working with hundreds of people over the last 8+ years, I've learned for most of us, especially those of us that have our basic needs met, our problems, issues, and challenges are internal. Our external realities are reflections of the inner relationship we have with ourselves.

We might make incremental baby-step progress when we try to fix or change our problems externally. Still, we usually will feel the same about ourselves and our lives. And when we work on our internal relationship with ourselves, the results and changes can happen at quantum speed, and how we feel about ourselves and our lives transforms along with it.

Opportunities to work with Alex, for you or the men in your lives!

1. The Torch: A Weekly Virtual Men’s Group & Community

This is a no-brainer, super low commitment way for any growth-minded men to dip their toe in (for just $50/month). Seriously, join us or get your partners, friends, brothers, fathers, etc. in here!!

For an hour every week (but with the expectation of joining at least 2 calls per month), men from all over the world who want to become better partners, fathers, leaders, or just better versions of themselves, connect in a safe space to share and unload their stresses, burdens, and challenges, without judgment or advice.

Alex and his business partner Bob share mini-lessons on empowering topics like mindset and healthy masculinity, and then hold space, celebrate honest sharing, and help the men to set intentions in their lives.

Additionally, all members get access to a private online community to share wins, give and get support and advice and build new relationships with other men.

Here is all of the info + the next steps to sign up; if not for you please share with the men in your life!

2. The Alchemy of Men Retreat - coming up June 7-11 in Fairview, Utah.

This is for the man who would likely never go on a retreat, but is interested in personal and professional growth, accomplishing business goals, becoming better partners and parents, and creating brotherhood with other growth-minded men.

For 4 days and 4 Nights, men will enjoy:

-Meals by a New York 5-Star Chef

-A 10,000 sq foot house with sauna, jacuzzi, and cold plunge

-Surrounded by nature

-Powerful work around creating peace, connection, purpose, and clarity in their lives

-Private Rooms, Shared Rooms, and even a Tent Option (for the Outdoorsman) are available, at a range of investment levels.

For more info checkout

If you or the men in your life have questions about any of the above, just email

And remember you can also check out my other blog posts:

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